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What is CCE (Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation)?
The CCE or Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation system refers to a school-based evaluation of students that covers all the aspects of a student's development. Continuous means regular assessments, frequency of unit testing, analysis of learning gaps, applying corrective measures, retesting and giving feedback to teachers and students for their self-evaluation, etc. Comprehensive on the other hand attempts to cover both the scholastic and the co-scholastic aspects of a student's growth and development — with both these aspects of the evaluation process being assessed through Formative and Summative Assessments.
The Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) software prepares schools to upgrade to the latest CBSE CCE guidelines. The software adheres to the prescribed grading system for scholastic subjects, co-scholastic activities and respective descriptive indicators.
CCE Report Card (Mark Sheet) based on CBSE Prescribed Format
This Module Provides as you might be aware that Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released new guidelines for evaluation of the students for secondary classes. We are migrating/updating to the prescribed formats with minimal efforts, by using our CCE Report Card Software. CCE Report Card Preparation Module of "SMS" enables schools in comprehensive and continuous evaluation of students by providing various analysis reports, some of which are:
The board has made it mandatory from June 2010, for all CBSE schools to follow the CCE guidelines while preparing report cards for Std IX and X. The CCE system is truly a revolutionary way of grading in India as this report card provides a holistic view of a student's progress not only in the academic but also in the co-scholastic areas under which he/she would be graded on life skills, including thinking, social and emotional skills, attitudes and values.
Important Points for CCE Result :
CCE will cover the scholastic and co scholastic areas of school education.
The two types of assessment referred to in the circular are formative and summative. The periodicity of the two types of assessment are four and twice a year respectively.
Formative Assessment totals to 40% weightage.
Summative Assessment totals to 60% weightage.
There are nine grades in Part A of Scholastic assessment and Part B of the same assessment has five grades.
Summative assessment covers non academic areas like attitudes and skills and there are three grades.
If a student secures Grade 6 in the academic areas his/her marks would range from 51% to 60%
CCE advocates absolute grading. This means that Grade 9 would imply an A2 grade.
The academic term will be divided into two terms.
According to Latest CBSE CCE pattern
No need for teachers to maintain separate student file
Saves teachers time by 80% and teachers workload reduces by 95%
No calculations required i.e. percentile, FA1+FA2+FA3+FA4, SA1+SA2 etc. All calculations are done automatically.
Automatic report card generation
Multiple observations in FA's and Skills possible i.e. Debate and Speech in FA3 and
automatic average of the same.
Report card based on CBSE model report cards.
Cummulative report card for IX and X could be printed.
Multiple descriptive indicators shall be automatically converted to single grade
Student Information System with option of sending SMS to parents
Health Module to record health details of the student
Attendance Module for marking attendance of the students with absent student SMS alerts and monthly attendance register and various attendance analysis reports
CCE-Report Card Management System is a web based software that manages the results related work of school in very efficient manner. Software is developed on the basis of latest CCE pattern launched by C.B.S.E for all classes. This software provides you the best solution for managing the marks of student as per new CCE pattern introduced by C.B.S.E from year 2010 and make it compulsory to all school affiliated to C.B.S.E. This software is user friendly and easy to operate. User only have to enter the marks of different subjects and corresponding grades will automatically generated. This software also includes the subjects related to Life Skills, Attitude and Values, Activities and Health Education. In these subject user only have to mention the rating and grades will automatically generated. After the entry of marks, report card will be generated automatically as per new CCE pattern. |